Google AdWords is changing to support advertisers better. So far the support has been limited to email and online support. Which is good when you have enough time on your hand. But sometimes, when everything is on fire, you need phone support to manage your mega advertising projects.
And that is what U.S.- and Canada-based AdWords customers getting today.
Why the change you may ask and according to Google AdWords, it is you! You asked for it and you are getting it.
You still can use online resources, like AdWords Help Center, to make a successful ad campaign better.
You can also learn about AdWords at the AdWords Help Forum and AdWords Online Classroom which offers free online courses on a wide variety of AdWords topics.
The Number is 1-866-2Google (1-866-246-6453). You can call AdWords specialists between 9AM-8PM Eastern time, Monday and Friday. Also make sure that you have your AdWords customer ID ready when you call, as this service is only for current customers.
Official Google Blog: Free phone support for AdWords advertisers