Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Statcounter, Nasty adlets and a cure

If you are Statcounter member and have been receiving nasty ads on you site, you can be happy! Statcounter says it put a stop to it! But best part is I like the nasty adlets photo!, which I have stolen from statcounter blog!

"Different adverts are shown on StatCounter in different parts of the world.

So, here in StatCounter HQ, we don’t actually get to see every single advert shown to our members.

We were VERY annoyed last night to discover that some nasty adverts had crept onto the StatCounter site… Please accept our apologies for this.

We HATE nasty site-invading ads and we don’t want them on StatCounter."

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Get your RSS feeds fed with advertisements from Pheedo

Pheedo explains how to earn income with RSS Feeds that you generate with your web site, Blog or anything else. (I have a remote sensing device that sense earthquakes and is capable of generating RSS Feeds).
Pheedo says;
Transform your RSS feeds into high-powered advertising
Pheedo’s FeedPowered™ advertising platform converts your RSS feeds into rich, dynamically updating advertising that engages your audience.
Ads that update...automatically...
Pheedo retrieves your RSS feed several times an hour and updates your FeedPowered advertisements with any newly published items. Great for time-sensitive content and frequently updated offers.
But Pheedo tells that you and I have to join and get FeedPowered, so lets go find what they have to offer.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

MyADLETS is born!

There are almost no full page ads on the web yet. But I am sure you have noticed entry page ads on many large sites, specially if you are entering via a link to a specific page.
But almost all others are adlets, small ads displayed on prominent places on websites, blogs, email! etc.
My idea is to explore advertisements on the web via myadlets.com. This weblog will be the launching point for the site and where I will state my ideas about adlets.
Up to now, the Adlet are monsters that drink blood! But I willl declare, adlets are small ads on a web, blog site or delivered via email.
Forget the paper inserts that you referred as advertisements so far. You will get your ADs as you want them.
Await myadlets.com

Monster came from neatorama.