Friday, September 10, 2010

Paypal Not So Friendly, Google Checkout Might Be The Answer!

I had a Paypal account a while ago but I stopped using it for no particular reason. I was browsing Slashdot today and found that Paypal is holding funds of a game developer, in what seems like a illegal manner. 600,000 sterling pounds is no small sum, and the interest on those amounts should amount to a hefty sum, for the time they are keeping it locked. Paypal is holding the monies without proper explanation, according to a post on developer's website.
So I started to follow the article and the comments and external links like The outlook is not good, everyone seems to not like paypal but keep on using because they have no choice. But it seems pretty, for the lack of words, stupid. to use their service for receiving any money. I did not read through their service agreements entirely (it would have taken days and I would read if I ever want to use their service), so please do not quote me, but it seems that you have to agree to let the hold your money over, 180 days or so, if they think it was necessary. Sometimes my bank also holds my checks, most delays are seven days, not 180.
Another thing that made it very suspicious is the way Paypal handled the burning man temple account. That really sucks!
I think if you are doing business on the web, it might be better to look in to Google Checkout seem to be the best bet. There are many other services that provide the same or similar services, like BrainTree but the Google Checkout is the service I know. You do not have to read through billion policy pages and if you are a merchant, now you can get 21% discount from FedEx Shipping! Go here to learn more about Google Checkout.
If you do not want to be in the same shoes as Markus Persson, a.k.a. Notch, the developer of Minecraft, or hundreds (may be thousands) of others, be diligent. Be it 600,000 or just 600, it is your money and unless you are a crook, you have worked hard for it.
Slashdot article will take you to all the necessary links and beyond! Happy web marketing. (Comments are pouring in so much on the article it seem hard to read!)
Paypalsucks cartoon, origin unknown it it is yours let me know, I will give due credit.

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